Note: You must have a Visual Pursuits account and an ESPC membership to enter photos into competition.

How to enter:

1. Log into your Visual Pursuits account: /

  • If you need instructions, please ask.
  • Label photo with your title only (you do not need any other information, as VP knows the rest)

2. You may enter up to 3 photographs per competition. Only one can be entered into the Open category. You may enter up to 3 in any of the other categories (3 max for each month’s competition.)


SEPTEMBER (due Wed 9/6 by 11:59 p.m.)

A. MACRO- Showcase a subject larger than it is in real life- an extreme close-up of something small. Focus stacking is permitted. Not just a close-up!

B. WATERCRAFT- Any vessel that travels on water must be the main subject.

C. PORTRAITURE- Capture the essence, personality, identity, and attitude of a person utilizing backgrounds, lighting, and posing.



OCTOBER (due Wed 10/4 by 11:59 p.m.)

A. LEADING LINES- A compositional technique in which lines are used in a photograph to direct the viewers’ attention to the main subject of the image and/or create a natural path for the viewer to follow and provide interest to the overall image.

B. FLASH PHOTOGRAPHY- photography in which a flashbulb or electronic flash is used to provide momentary illumination of a dark or insufficiently lit subject.

C. TRAINS, PLANES and/or AUTOMOBILES- Real-life or toy will do as long as a plane, train and/or automobile is the main subject of the photo.



NOVEMBER (due Wed 11/1 by 11:59 p.m.)

A. LONG EXPOSURE- Long-exposure, time-exposure, or slow-shutter photography involves using a long-duration shutter speed to sharply capture the stationary elements of images while blurring, smearing, or obscuring the moving elements.

B. REFLECTIONS- Though a reflection can be in anything, the reflection must be the main subject of the photo.

C. HORSES- Real-life or toy but a horse/horses must be the main subject of the photo.



DECEMBER: (Holiday Break. Banquet December 6th)


JANUARY: (due Wed 1/3 by 11:59 p.m.)

A. BRIDGES- Any Bridge will do, as long as it is the main subject.

B. GEOMETRIC SHAPES- focus on the geometric lines, shapes, and patterns that exist in the world.

C. THINGS THAT MAKE YOU GO HMM….-Something out of the ordinary, a scene that makes you wonder, why? or What? Something that seems out of place, maybe.



FEBRUARY: (due Wed 2/7 by 11:59 p.m.)

A. PICK A COLOR- One color serves as the focal point in the photo and that color expresses more intensity among other colors in the picture. Additional colors should appear subordinate to and supportive of the main color.

B. STILL LIFE- Depiction of inanimate subject matter, typically a small group of objects. Popular categories include flowers, food, and desk space- among others.

C. SPORTS- Anything that is considered a sport, athletic activities, and athletes.



MARCH: (Due Wed 3/6 by 11:59 p.m.)

A. STREET PHOTOGRAPHY- Records everyday life in public with candid pictures of strangers, often without their knowledge.

B. BLACK & WHITE- Photo may be shot in black and white or converted. All subjects welcomed.

C. CHURCH- Take us to church through your photo. Exterior or interior permitted.



APRIL: (Due Wed 4/3 by 11:59 p.m.)

A. PANNING- Convey motion by freezing moving objects against a blurred background.

B. BARNS- A barn must be the main subject of the photo.

C. WILDLIFE/WILDFLOWERS- Wild animals and/or Flowers of any species. Mammals, insects, reptiles, and birds are all animals. No zoo or domesticated animals. Flowers that grow in the wild, meaning not intentionally seeded or planted.



MAY: (Year-end Banquet 5/15)

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