Recent Visual Pursuits Changes

March 2025

Scoring Ranges

You can now specify the lowest and highest score that can be assigned by a single judge. This can be useful if you are using a "sum of scores" for a competition and a judge abstains from judging an image or the judges need to change. These values are specified on a Competition Type.

Background Tiles

You can now upload images to be considered for use as a background tile on your website. You upload a small image file using "Manage Documents and Files" and indicate the usage is as a "Tile". Tiles are selected on the "Manage Organization Profile" page.

Export Judging

On the "Manage Competitions by Group" or "Manage Competitions by Date" page, you can now use the "Images" button for a competition or group to display a list of images. At the button of the page you can use the "Export Judging" button to export an Excel spreadsheet to list details of website judging. This export can also be used as with the "Import Judging" button for a competition.

Import Judging

On the "Manage Competitions by Group" or "Manage Competitions by Date" page, you can now use the "Import Judging" button for a competition or group to import scores and awards. Instructions are displayed on that page.

December 2024

Title Overrides

Each image for an author must have a unique title to avoid confusion when referring to an image. There are some cases, however, when the same image may need a different title for a specific competition. This could be related to a submission to an external competition.

When submitting an image to a competition you can now specify a "title override" that should be used for that specific competition. The field for the Title Override will only appear when you are adding or editing an image in a competition. Only the primary title for an image is checked to insure it is not a duplicate title. Primary titles do not check for duplicates against any Title Overrides.

When an image is displayed for a competition, any Title Override associated with the image in that competition will be displayed and exported instead of its cataloged title.

Your Image History page will reflect the title used by the competition. Your Image Library, however, will display the original cataloged title. If you expand the usage list by clicking the "spin down" button to the left of the thumbnail, you will see the competitions where the image was used and any Title Override.

When you search for images by title, Title Overrides will be considered in the search. The results display, however, will show the cataloged title.

July 2024

Balanced Columns

A new CSS class has been added with instructions for formatting part of a page with equal sized columns. See the Help article for details.

April 2024

Snippets for Page Formatting

You can insert highlighted boxes for text and other content easily using the "snippets" feature of the page editor. See the Help article for details.

January 2024

Menu Page

You can now create a custom parent menu that displays the sub-menu items. When you edit the custom menu, specify "Menu Page". When a user clicks on that menu item, a page will display with a "tree" of sub-menu items.

June 2023

Storage Allocations

The storage allowed in each subscription was doubled. This allows using larger images in competitions without being concerned about exceeding the storage allowed by your subscription.

Edit Button on Custom Pages

When a Content Manager views a custom page, an "Edit Custom Page" button appears at the bottom of the page. This can be used instead of navigating through the Administration menus to edit a page.

Suggestions Welcome

Have a need that is not being filled? Have a suggestion for improving the website or the Image Competition Manager program? We welcome your comments and suggestions. Consider adding a feature request to the Wish List Forum or submit Support Request via the Help menu.

Thanks for your support!

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